Poems by Jasonsboo

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  • Baby (3)

    You are my baby
    and I'm your boo...

  • I don't know how to tell you this but I promise to...
    I want to do things with you...

  • Never be afraid, don't hide a tear,
    Just be yourself, so it's all clear...

  • I said i loved you, you made me cry,
    You walked away, I broke down inside...

  • A moment alone, not by your side,
    Can only be the day, that i shall die...

  • I want (2)

    I really want to tell you how I feel. How my...
    I want to do so many things with you. And I know...

  • I'm sorry i cant express, exactly what I'm trying...
    But just to let you know, I feel this everyday...

  • You cheated again played me around,
    Hurt me so much i can't now make a sound...

  • Whats the point of living
    if our just gonna die...

  • I'm sitting here alone
    alone in here today...

  • You are my one
    you are my only...

  • This is my suicide letter
    that i am writing to you today...