Quotes by Steffi

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  • Everytime he tells her he loves her,
    She sheds a tear and tells him to leave.
    Not because she doesnt love him back,
    But shes been hurt too many times before,
    To risk it for anyone anymore.

    19 years ago
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  • Outside she is smiling, content as could be...But inside theres a heart thats screaming Please Just Set Me Free!

    19 years ago
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  • And when your standing out there,
    In the pouring rain..
    Throwing rocks at my window,
    Screaming my name.
    I just think theres
    One thing you should know.
    I want you to remember,
    You let me go.

    19 years ago
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  • I swear I can feel him breathing next to me, his hot breath down my neck. I can feel his tounge gently tasting my skin...I open my eyes and look next to me to see....my dog?!...I guess we werent meant to be -.-; (lol, bored)

    19 years ago
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  • All I Ask Of You Is To Take Me In Your Arms And Lead Me As Far Away From This Hell As We Could Possibly Go Together...

    19 years ago
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  • Everyone can see my lifes become a total hell since you walked out of it...Everyone...Except you...

    19 years ago
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  • The safest I've ever felt,
    In my entire life.
    Is when you took me in your arms,
    and asked me to be your wife.
    (I love you jess!!!)

    19 years ago
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  • I'd cry for you all my tears,
    I'd cry them for all my years.
    I'd bleed all my painful drops.
    I'd hold my breath until my heart stops.
    I could do all this and still,
    you wouldnt understand.
    How much it still kills me,
    to see you take her hand.

    19 years ago
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  • Girls..have you ever noticed how most of the guys who are pleasing to the eyes
    Do the most damage to your heart?
    And that the guys who we critcize,
    Cherrish you, and never want to part?

    (think about it...)

    19 years ago
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  • No one on this entire world has ever made me the person I am whenever Im around you...even if you dont know what you do to me.

    19 years ago
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