You trap me in here, thinking it'll be OK,
But you don't know that i already escaped...
You say hi to me,
You smile at me...
You didn't know what to do when her sister told...
She didn't know what to do when you held her hand...
You turn me on in so many ways,
it makes me blush just to say...
He sees her smile towards him,
His heart gets excited...
Being me is different and difficult in a way i...
I mean, i try to fit in, yet i am never good...
It's 58 past 11 and i'm just here so quiet,
Thinking of the past precious moments and riots...
I'm tired of this life i live,
Why can't i get out here...
Go Wizards!
Go Aces...
You say you're slowly dying at my feet,
But you're wrong...
I have all these voices in my head,
And they never stop talking...
Who is real now,
Who can i trust...