I am an avid reader and Philosopher among my interests in poetry. I am also avid in japanese ad chiese, culture, philsophy and pop culture. I am a huge fan of star wars and film as well. I also have a fascination with world war two, and most importantly Nazi Germany. |
False choosing leads to downfall,
businessman and children learn their call...
Tis troubling indeed,
but i am not reviled...
This is not happening,
i am lost in my own paradigm...
I know you well,
sitting in the nestle...
People gather in mere confusion,
society commits murder in the weakest of...
I see everything,
as the sage ponders...
Time never gives refunds,
amid the challenging fate...
Walking down the road I see the way,
the air was hot, leaving me with little to say...
I am clearly Philosophical,
and at the say time whimsical...
Look at me, aren't I keen,
on the precious means, than you have seen...