It's like you think you're safe or somthing cause you can just walk away anytime, cause you don't need him ;; you don't need anyone. But the thing you don't realize is.. you're wrong.. |
You get into the [ b i g g es t ] fight with the |
There's a point in life when you get tired |
The worst thing a guy can do |
It's weird how you say that you |
-"He's the cutest, sweetest, nicest, greatest, most romantic, most insensitive jerk I have ever met." |
-"There's something about him that grabs my heart and makes me hurt that I can't have him." |
If you made it before he came, you can make it when he leaves. |
If they only knew, they'd be so surprised. I'm just a great pretender with a great disguise. |
I'm not even going to get mad anymore. I'm just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of. |