A conspiracy of tall tale's and lies, a place we...
A new hidden secret left in the dust, full of a...
Wings made of fire spread largely to answer gods...
Graceful answers shriek amongst forgotten places...
A thoughtless slander of beauty and beast,
Where soul meets looks to say the least...
All that you have is your soul,
Covered in white and covered in gold...
Wipe away the golden, crystal ashes,
Hide behind gaping, scarring gashes...
Have you ever seen...
My ex-fiancee cheated on me. This is for her...
Decay swept across the lands, across the very...
Fire arose in the darkest of the nights, speaking...
Twilight displayed through open glass,
Darkness envelopes the silence of night...
Sweet surrender - eternal bliss,
An endless touch and mending kiss...
Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire,
With sweet surrender and biting kiss...
I love the repetition of 'make me' and 'perfect...