They're in bits and pieces, but they're something...
If you do not like the \'flow\' of the poem, it is...
A rushing shadow dances over the lands, covering...
I tried a different rhyme scheme, I guess you...
Bind us now, to what we withhold,
Let us resound, shining of gold...
Love struck us like lighting bringing us down as...
We stood strong against the wind, but like a child...
Close your eyes...
Hide the lips blushed with paint,
With their sorrowful shawdowed lies...
You've got yourself showers of disappointment
And the thunders rock what little judgment you...
A sweet sound is heard in the air,
What's this delicate sound, what could it be...
I really didn't like how this turned out... I'll...
What tears are those that fall so ungratefully...
You trip, you fall, you run away - such haste...