The Endless Skies full of shimmer.
Where the stars in there glory truly...
The meaning of the word has lost it's luster...
Sad Face Happy Face.
Not to show the world...
Forgiveness of the Heart Forgiveness of sins.
Words of man and events of Life...
You might ask why I write this.
My Emotions in this Poem...
It was a Rainy Day that Night.
When Fate took His Life...
To thee I ask of this senseless emotion.
This emotion that can brake or put together...
God I ask thee.
What went wrong in my mind repeats...
My heart aching once again
Battles the fight that I never seem to win...
To hear every beat from u.
To feel every emotion you never knew...
Life of a child is not as simple or as easy as...
Hoping to be a child, for there are no worries and...
How dare you judge me,
with out knowing the truth...