To thee I speak.
And you can't hear...
Esta es la Primera vez que expreso mi poema en mi...
Como explicarme...
Darkness befalls me.
Veils upon thine eyes...
Today I gave You.
Two poems to read...
Many forms of Life walk this earth.
For many are true to their heart and soul...
Dream Catcher.
Take this Dream...
Perdona por lo que tengo que decir.
Pero son recuerdos que en mi mente no dejan de...
Whispering winds thrue the trees.
Tells me the story of wonders and wishes of magic...
The meaning of the word has lost it's luster...
Forgive me for what I have to say.
These memories haunt me each and...
My life has been a story of surviving the struggle...
To come from a world where words where of...
I'm sorry to you I always say.
These are two words You hear...