Poems by noraida

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  • My mind runs wild and my heart beats a mile a...
    For you have awaken again what I have kept inside...

  • Never to soon
    to say goodbye...

  • As I look all I see.
    The Person that gave me Love...

  • My heart aching once again
    Battles the fight that I never seem to win...

  • How dare you judge me,
    with out knowing the truth...

  • Plea (4)

    There he is.
    Once again...

  • Portrait of a Lie.
    I do not need...

  • Prayer (1)

    God I ask thee.
    What went wrong in my mind repeats...

  • Here is see my self once again.
    thinking to end it today...

  • Why do we live on peoples opinions.
    Of who we are and how we should live...

  • To thee I ask of this senseless emotion.
    This emotion that can brake or put together...

  • To hear every beat from u.
    To feel every emotion you never knew...