Poems by Chelly

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  • Dreams come and go,
    some tend to stay...

  • Of course i still think of thee and hope the...
    I hate the fact that thee is the first thought in...

  • Wipe your eyes and dry your tears. since i'm here...

  • Sucks when you have found a good guy or at least...

  • If God (1)

    If god made people to love why is there so much...
    if god created men and women to be together then...

  • I have a smile upon my face acting like everything...
    Laugh like I have to just to fight my tears...

  • You see a little girl crossing the street as a car...
    As you run to her aid, she seems to be drifting...

  • My hearts fading while I'm drifting away, and I'm...

  • I write from a pain deep inside my heart.
    I have noticed my feelings fight each other, as...

  • It's hard not to talk to you during the day. I...

  • My love for you is more than words can say. I...
    little note we are not together anymore...

  • Sitting hear thinking about my life, what should I...
    Do you really love me, or are you just there...