I love you and all i want is to be with you like i...
please Vote and Comment..ill be sure to do the...
I cant let gO because you gave me sO much tO hang...
i haven't seen him since he tOre me apart but for...
The Redness, the drop of tears. The pain that you...
Please Vote and Comment!! thnx i will be sure to...
Loving and losing is one big painful game that...
~Please r/c thanks ill be sure to r.c on some of...
The thoughts are back they are running through my...
Staring at the sky in the middle of the night...
This pain the regret the sorrow and despair.. The...
please Vote and Comment thanks i really enjoy...
Maybe you leaving was the best thing to happen...
Please Vote and Comment it would mean alot to me...
Why does this happen to me?
soon as i am over the person that meant the most...
Can you tell me that your happy I'm gone..? can...
Eyes red from crying tears streaming down my face...
xo Steviie...
I love you Today
I loved you yesterday...