Love is a part of life. It may seem like it's eternity, but it's also like fire. It hurts. |
Don't take a friend for granted, espeically your best friends, cause you'll never get same friend again. |
Take what you can get, because that'll be your one and only chance. |
Don't give up on the people you love cause sometime in life they just might give up on you. |
When you come to a bend in the road, you always take the easy way out, but remember that later in life, every easy way out that you took, it'll come back to you twice as hard. |
Cherish every passing day that you have. Never take anything for granted, |
Love every one more then yourself, especially the ones that love you more then the world. |
Don't give up on the people who matter the most. |
Don't leave your bullshit at the door because I don't want to deal with your shit!!!!!!!! |
Don't take things for granted! |