Heavens diamond drops
On lake in mirrored shards,oh...
Milady's gone to war with spouse again
As young masters gone to feed the cannons...
Dresses once green in life's leisure
Turn, and flit as edges outline gold and crisp...
The dame once happy now at rest
Beauty now a wilt...
You and me both budding flowers
Carrased by gentle breeze...
Against the Battering wind he strains
Away from conformist crowds...
As dumbfound corpses lay again
At wounded heart that weeps and thrusts in blood...
Jet plane passes by
Three Thousand die, destiny...
As eyes like charcoal
Carras rose red lips in lust...
A core within the darkness doom,
A circle dark, where time does loom...
I'm here, standing there front of you
Alone, I am here, standing there...
Grass blades sway and dance
Winds violent rages hush on...