a broken smile with a broken heart is a poets life

About a broken smile with a broken heart is a poets life

Hello friends,
Welcome to my inner thoughts. I've been writing poems since I was 15, so please excuse all the grammatical errors found in my early poems. I am now a 30-something year old mother. My life has definitely changed from the sad teenager that wrote her first poems here. I met a lot of wonderful people through my high school years and also through my college years. I left for a while because, you know, life, but I'm back. I am working through a lot of my trauma as a child, and I find that writing helps me cope. So, I hope you find my new poetry entertaining, refreshing or tasteless. Either way, please rate and comment and let me know how I can improve.
Thank you for reading!
Happy writing

Profile of a broken smile with a broken heart is a poets life

  • Age : 30
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Colorado
  • Joined : May 18, 2005
  • Last Visit : 3 days ago
  • Poems : 110
  • Comments : 260
  • Quotes : 18
  • Posts : 356
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By a broken smile with a broken heart is a poets life

  • I've never been happy,
    not in my childhood, adolescence or as an adult...

  • I'm exhausted,
    I try to scream and detach...

  • My tears roll
    and my mind screams...

  • My thoughts are constantly ransacking my brain.
    I think, I may be going insane...

  • I am lost at sea, with no one by my side.
    I am keeping my feet from the water for fear I'll...

Latest Quotes By a broken smile with a broken heart is a poets life

  • To be strong and still be standing has taken a lot of falling down and a lot of rain. Don't worry you're one of them.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • If you love some one be with the one you love.
    If you hurt them let them go.
    If you think something beautiful can grow with some one else give them a chance.

    ~for Chanty~

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • I still love you, but each night I try to get my mind off you through pain. It fails and I dream of you making my pain even greater than shedding blood. (mom)

    15 years ago
    0 0

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