Quotes by Lauren

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  • I thought ud be wid me for a long time helpin me through every hard time ive been through,i neva thought ud go away now i want u back missing evry time im not wid u

    17 years ago
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  • When i thought everythin was goin down hill he came into my life and smiled that 1 smile lit up my whole life lovin him so much

    17 years ago
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  • I carnt help but smile back :)

    17 years ago
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  • Ur like the sun u come and light up my world but then u leave me , and im left in darkness until the nxt time u decide to show ur face...

    17 years ago
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  • Ur the boy of my dreams u kiss my neck u play with my hair u push me on the swing u tell me u love me whenva u can u get my mad then kiss me ur everything i would wont xx

    17 years ago
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  • Thinking of u is like thinking of a dream nothing is wrong nothing is bad nothing will go away nothing will hurt me and nothing will stop me from dreaming of u again and again and again

    17 years ago
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  • When i look into ur deep lusting eyes i see all the good in life and all the reason why i love you and all the reasons why when ever i look into ur eyes i want to kiss u

    17 years ago
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  • How come one minute u r feeling on top of themoon with love then the next ur crying thinking in the dark about all the things that is wrong in ur life......is their not a love that dosnt mean it will break u into peices

    17 years ago
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  • I only wont 2 know 1 thing ,that 1 thing will make me stop cryin ,that 1 thing will make me feel beter or it might make me feel worse that 1 thing will etha break my tiny bits of heart into smalla bits or mend them in 1 go,that 1 thing is..do you love me?

    17 years ago
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  • Isnt it funny how one minute ur feeling so happy then he can say 3 little words that will turn ur skys to grey i love her </3

    17 years ago
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