Quotes by Shelby

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  • They say that love is around every corner... I must be walking in circles!

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • It's funny how guys lie so much, when they say they care, then you find out it's all jsut a joke and nothing was ever even real... even he tells you he never cared... talk about a broken heart!

    19 years ago
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  • I think that everyone knows what its like to fall in love with some one who doesnt love you back... Its just when you fall in love with some one who doesnt even like your GENDER is when you need to get serious help.. and I stand acused!!!

    19 years ago
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  • He loves girls...
    He loves guys...
    He loves girls...
    He loves guys...
    oh my gosh guys again....
    lets start over...
    He loves girls...
    He loves guys...
    He loves girls...
    He loves guys...
    Oh I give up!!!!!!

    19 years ago
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