Beautiful girl, with the pretty eyes. |
It Was Never Love That Broke Her Heart... |
A Freind will stab you in the back... |
Dear Diary, |
Dear Diary, |
Do You Ever Wish That You Would Wake Up In The [E]m[e]r[g]e[n]c[y] [R]o[o]m And Hear The Words " She's not going to [m]a[k]e [i]t " ? |
I had a .H.E.A.R.T and It was .T.R.U.E. |
~And every mOrNiNg when I wake up... I think of Y.O.U. And Wish I could just fall back a-s-l-e-e-p and Never wake up aGaIn!~ |
~I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a peice of paper, but I accidently threw it away. I wrote your name in my heart and Forever it will stay!~ |
~What's Better?----> A Lie That Brings A Smile...Or The Truth That Brings A Tear..?~ |