THE fIsH: You Can't sEe mY TeArS BecAuSe i'M In ThE WaTeR |
Did tHe BirD WeNt AWAY BEcAuSE THe WiNd BleW iT oR IzZiT BECaUSe The tReE DiDn'T StOp It? |
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together. |
U aRe OnLy mY mEmOrY, U ArE nO NeEd In mY LiFe AnYmOrE |
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart. |
YoU cAn'T StAy MaD aT SoMeOnE wHoMaKeS YoU sMiLe |
Once Again, I Cried For You... For The 1000th Time Perhaps... |
U didn't talk to me since 23rd sept... i couldn't believe how i spent those last 58 days |
I heard someone whisper ur name, but when i turned around to c who it was, i notice i was alone, then i realize it was my heart telling me that i miss u. |
Hates you... for making me fall so deeply |