
About tabita

I love reading poems and I love to meet people tnx for reading this and see ya soon kissezzz from tabita please read my poems

Profile of tabita

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Belgium
  • Joined : Nov 30, 2003
  • Last Visit : 20 years ago
  • Poems : 23
  • Comments : 25
  • Quotes : 21
  • Posts : 4
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By tabita

  • I'm sick of doing my best for other people!
    I'm sick of smiling when I'm sad...

  • She was walking in the sun
    In the middle of the night...

  • Don't fear
    be yourself...

  • I'm sorry,
    sorry about me hurting you...

  • I was there when they hurt you
    I fought for you! cause that's what friends do...

Latest Quotes By tabita

  • Make time for you
    make this love real
    If you leave
    You I’ll never feel
    I know, I loved you
    I’m glad
    Said to the moon
    I’ve wasted my time
    loving you---------

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • "who do you think of when you wake up?"

    "I know I'll be thinking of you!!!..."

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • You love him but you have to let him go...he loves too but not you...

    19 years ago
    0 0

Favorite Poets