If Only he knew I go to bed every night thinking...
If only he knew how it felt to know I wasn't his...
What is it exactly? Explain please? Because...
My love for is unknown and
secretive no girl or boy knows that...
How I feel.
I feel like a beautiful girl every time i talk to...
As the tears come running down my cheek like...
Friends are a one in a million...
I like being single,you can avoid heartbreak...
Why do I feel that you still care?
Pretty Stupid Huh? I liked you alot and I dont...
Why do I feel this way!! This feeling is the best...
Have you met your perfect man yet? You know the...
No not me!! but hey if u have don't screw it up...
Tears are falling down her cheek and they wont...
Tears are falling because the one she loves...