Reboot your life
Just like you would a CPU...
On my desk
Computer resides...
In days of yore,
When some insane dictator...
Long distance love affairs
Used to suck...
My darling phone!
My jewel of communication...
I see all kinds of tests
Around this day and age...
My great country, they said, was the best in the...
Every time in the school yard its flag was...
I used to smoke but then a dipper I became,
Although, they say, it's harmful all the same...
As we slowly decay on our journey to death,
To the time when we take our last mortal breath...
Oh, Internet, the mighty medium
Us, poor lone souls thou shalt redeem...
I'm Sergio, the search engine.
Your curiousity avenging...
The summer's gone.
October's cherubs...