into a world of possibilities...
Feeling the ever dreaded knife stick through
i can appreciate the malice laying in the kitchen...
While i sit and wait
my reality comes true...
Ways to get into the Harlem Globe trotters.
First and for most you need to realize that the...
I wont be there to deliver
I wont be there for the first step...
My eye bleeds as i see them suffer
deeper and deeper plunged into the depth...
Moments of Freedom
Mesmerizing my moves...
Hey i know this is one of our many many almost...
-the donde in your cereal...
And by the way. I'm not mister gay. So if you just...
Punch her in the throat, wont contradict me. Wrap...
I'm in olathe
Yeah. I feel ya there. Finally was able to be on...
There was a young lass called Sonya. Whos fingers...