We always talk about -->forever |
[[dont put words in my mouth]] |
You gotta |
*I told him I was afraid of falling...* |
[Which hurts more?] |
TrYinG To FiNd tHe pErFeCt mAn iS lIkE tRyInG tO FiNd aTlAnTiS! |
Same old story as everyone knows... one heart holdin on...one lettin go... |
***I am who I am...your approval isn't needed...*** |
[WhY dOeS eVeRy gUy HaVe To] [MeAsUrE uP tO tHe OnE tHaT bRoKe] [My HeArT??] |
I think i'll go anti-love...butterflies in your tummy, your heart skipping a beat...that doesn't sound safe... |