...WhEn YoU fEeL lIkE gIvInG uP oN sOmEoNe ReMeBeR wHy YoU hElD On So LoNg... |
PeOpLe SaY I'm StUpIeD...I tElL ThEm nOt To bE So JeAlOuS |
ShE lOoKs In ThE MiRrOr As ShE wIpEs AwAy HeR RuNnInG MaScArA SaYiN "HoW cOuLd I bE sO StuPiD?" |
...In every Barbie and Ken relationship there has to be a Thersea to mess things up... |
.JuSt Be YoUrSeLf. |
[[its amazing how fast he turned my smile into tears]] |
YoU jUsT gOt YoUr AsS KiCkEd bY a DaDdy's GiRl! |
[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] |
I think i'll go anti-love...butterflies in your tummy, your heart skipping a beat...that doesn't sound safe... |
[WhY dOeS eVeRy gUy HaVe To] [MeAsUrE uP tO tHe OnE tHaT bRoKe] [My HeArT??] |