The (p)(a)(i)(n) is b.u.i.l.d.i.n.g. ^up^ and im not [s][t][r][o][n][g] e.n.o.u.g.h. 2 KnOCk DoWn this |~*tower of emotion*~| |
I'll *never* [f][o][r][g][e][t] the ~way~ u made me ((feel)) wen u ¤told me¤ all those h u r t f u l (.words.) & s.c.o.l.d.e.d. me 4 {crying} |
Either u [^stand up^] or u get -walked.all.over- |
As I *wait* for u 2 »speak« my |.:heart:.| w.h.i.s.p.e.r.s "PlEaSe DoNt HuRt Me" |
This ¤pain¤ i.n.s.i.d.e. of ((me)) is [.:2 much 2 handle:.] im LeTtInG gO.. |
The ¤pain was »b.e.y.o.n.d« TeArS |
~|wut| wud -u- °rather° /see/, a ((f.r.o.w.n))..or a [.:fAkE sMiLe:.]¿?~ |
«- t i m e- is ((r.u.n.n.i.n.g)) eNdLeSsLy, in neither °|hours|° nor °|days|° it just ~goes by~ and ^doesn't^ really [m][a][t][t][e][r] a.n.y.w.a.y.s» |
*how* do u ¤×listenפ 2 ur «3heart«3 wen it isn't [b.e.a.t.i.n.g]¿? |
...and u ((left me here)) ~w.o.n.d.e.r.i.n.g~ if there's any »point» in ¤living¤ this [L][I][E] anymore... |