It's sad to see people who don't value themselves for what their worth settle for less than they deserve. |
..& just when you think you have it bad remember it can always be worse.. |
..Everything you go through today prepares you for future situations. Learn from them so you wont have to go through them again.. |
..When you want something give it your all because someone can come by & take it from you.. |
.D0 WhAt MaKeS u HaPpY.bE wItH Wh0 mAkEs U sMiiLe.LaUgH aS mUcH aS u BrEaThE & l0vE aS l0nG aS u BrEaThE. |
.ii L0Ve U iS aN eIgHt LeTtEr w0rD,yEt S0 Iz BuLlShYt. |
.Y0u N0E uR iN l0vE wHeN U cAnT fAlL aSlEeP bEcAuSe ReAlItY iS fInAlLy BeTtEr ThAn Ur DrEaMs. |
.D0Nt G0 L0OkInG 4 l0vE,lEt L0Ve FiNd U.dAtS wHy ItS cAlLeD fAlLiNg,U d0nT pLaN iT.iT jUsT hApPeNs. |
DOnT cRy OvEr SuM1 wHo WoNt CrY oVeR yOu.. |