You certainly know how to make a girl cry
and make her feel your going to wave her goodbye...
~* about the fear of a person who knows their mate...
leave me alone...
I am the tea lady
some think I'm crazy...
Towards the beach they head in their boat
given their guns,is their any hope...
Party time at the pub and the drinks go around
everyone smiling no sight of a frown...
all the time you hear of these acts...
This is a little poem
because I'm o so bored...
I want to run away
go somewhere far from here...
Marks a funny dude who yes owes me money
he staks it alot which is always so funny...
Why do i have to be like this,cant someone explain
y i have to feel,scared confused,filled with fear...
The hate burns inside me like a ball of fire
to get my revenge is a great desire...