As time trickles down the river
memories fight the currant's force...
This future we're writing
is so incredibly exciting...
He's so cool, and everyone's friend,
but he's always unhappy in the end...
Take my body to mount on the wall.
You already killed me, so take pride...
I tried to break this poem up into little sections...
You want me to abandon you just like the rest
and to simply leave you because you are depressed...
The minutes slip on by
In the wake of the day...
In your camera, the film remains.
I noticed it was black and white...
The tree may need the sun, but the sun doesn't...
So let me be your leaf, and shed me to be...
To one of my very very very best friends. :D...
Seduction through mystery of an unknown truth.
Yearning to figure out this shadowy sleuth...
Spray painted hatred lies against your inner walls
and abandoned thoughts roam endless halls...