Why do i feel so confused
why do i feel so empty...
We wait all year long
Count every single day...
When a Grl Says:
I don\'t like you-(But she still flirts with u...
Every little second counts
Every little moment counts...
You said you hated her
you said she was ugly...
How can i trust you
why should i trust you...
How can you stab your friend in the back twice
and still think that you can be my friend...
As i sit here all alone
i think does anyone love me...
I look at you and i think i might have a chance
i look at her and think why bother liking you...
I take advantage of having you
i don't know how lucky i am...
You think you know a person
So you call them your best friend...
You say you don't like him
but how can i be so sure...