Quotes by lEtItBlEeD

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  • My blood is the wine you drink from your chalice, blood from the delicate wrists brutally sliced for you...

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • I wOuLd TeLl YoU aLl ThE WoRdS n WhIcH Im FeElInG BuT yOu WoUlD TrAp ThEm InSiDe YoUr MiNd AnD cApTuRe My HeArT WiTh ThEm!~

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • Thoughts of me exemplified....all the little flaws I have denied...forget today....forget whatever happened...everyday I see a little more of overall deficiencies...Im nothing short of being one complete catastrophe!
    ***From a song but it kicks a*S

    19 years ago
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