The poetry form, Etheree, consists of 10 lines of...
Teenage Depression (The Reality)
Tears trickle upon a cheek...
Her momma never took the time
to hug her with all her might...
Wind caresses sun-kissed hair
of princess Bella at the county fair...
....................The Dark...
Love Is Not Always What It Appears To Be...
The Drop Zone
Many times you saw me...
The Heart is the Door to True Beauty
.............{ For Jeannie...
This poem is a CHILDREN'S POEM ... inspired from a...
The Heart Will Always See...
Her hands are old and feeble
no longer can she hold a pen...
Time stood still for , tonight we danced
the soft rhythmical...
He was only ten years old
when she found his note one day...
The Power of Words
Forever her words linger...