Poems by Becca

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  • I am lying in my bed,thinkin about you and I,all...

  • When you're in love no one else is in the room,
    Your mind is cleaned so there is no fear or doom...

  • When you're in love no one else is in the room,
    Your mind is cleaned so there is no fear or doom...

  • Killa (1)

    He walks in small steps in the dead of night,he's...

  • Im the kiss of death i bring doom As blood runs...
    The poison smears on your lips...

  • You have no idea,
    How much i love you...

  • Some people understand me,
    And others really don't...

  • No one can be perfect,
    Especially not me...

  • Sam

    My brother,my friend,for your time has come,Your...
    Written By:Joey Ahrens...

  • Now I know how it feels when I don't cry on your...
    When someone says they're your best friend and cry...

  • I'm sorry for all the stupid mistakes Ive mad i...
    For all the crap Ive said to you...

  • The razor blade the razor blade,
    I pick up with my hand...