What can i say really?
You'll probably learn a lot more about me by actually talking to me instead of reading this silly little biography thing.
So here's my MySpace addy:
You broke my heart... And yet still i crawled back to you
Only to have you scatter the pieces
Rendering me into a helpless, sobbing wreck, kneeling at your feet.
18 years ago
Love is a killer
It killed me
Broke my heart into a thousand pieces, tore my mind apart with grief led me to put the gun to my head, pull the trigger with a smile.
All i wanted was to be happy.
All i wanted was you.
All i got was death.
18 years ago
You annoyed the hell out of me, every joke you told made me want to throttle you.
Then, as soon as you went away i wished every moment to hear your voice again.
I fell too hard and too fast, please.. please come back and pick me up.