Quotes by facedownindirt

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  • ... I've been waiting for you for the longest time... and now your finally mine... but still in my heart I know I never got over him... and I'm starting to think that I never will, if YOU can't even make me as happy as I was before ...

    19 years ago
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  • ...Just *hold* my hand . and *stare* in my eyes . wrap your *arms* around me . as I *confess* all my lies...

    19 years ago
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  • I couldn't figure out who I *loved* more... so I picked a piece of paper behind my friends back... well it turned out as a big *mistake*...

    19 years ago
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  • * why did you tell me it was over... then pushed me away... when you really loved me at that very moment *

    19 years ago
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  • I remember when you looked into my eyes... and told me how much you loved me... while everyone was laughing at you... well it\'s things like that, that stick with you 4.e.v.e.r

    19 years ago
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  • Don't you remember ANYTHING that happend between us... cuz I could of swarn you said you would N.E.V.E.R forget...

    19 years ago
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  • ** I cried a thousand tears... but that ment nothing to you... I screemd as loud as I could... but theres still nothing that you'll do **

    19 years ago
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  • "I closed my eyes and wished opon a shooting star. I woke up the next morning but you were still far from me."

    He said that in Disney World, all dreams come true... except this one.

    ---Josh Harter

    18 years ago
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