HeY eVeRyOnE..RiGhT nOw i Am gOing tHrEw a DepReSSiOn sTaGe uR pRoB. lIkE sHeS oNlY 13 BUt Im vErY mAtUrE fOr mY aGE *trust* mE...WeLL sKoOlS gOoD..i LOVe wRiTiNg poEtRy aNd QuOtEs (i didn't make up all the quotes) BuT yEa that's bout it! |
I care more than words can say,
You brighten up my cloudy day...
She stood there alone,
Her eyes turned down...
How does it feel,
knowing you're my everything...
She's such a mess,
a beautiful distress...
Let's get these teenage hearts beating,
I never knew what love was,
until the day i met you...
She stood there alone,
Her eyes turned down...
I'd give AnYtHiNg to be your *everything* |
Ever sence she met you she's just a mess of insecurities |
He's the nightmare waking her up,, from the dream the dream of *love* |