My love for you will never fade nor will your...
You are always in my thoughts...
Love is so blind,
Blinder than the darkest cave...
You think i do not love you anymore,
You think I do not care...
I wonder why I get treated like this,
I wonder what I did wrong...
Why are you all I think about?
Why do I care so much...
Why am I always the one who gets shut down?
Why am I the one who has to face the pain...
I have always wondered whether you were the one I...
I have always wondered if you were the one I truly...
I never realized how much I love you,
How much I truly care...
You boggle my mind and make me confused,
You make me ponder over what I should do...
You throw me mixed signs,
You cause me to think...
I am no longer your woman,
I am no longer your love...
You used to be my life,
You wanted me to be your wife...