If I were to let go tonight would you miss me
Would you reget not telling me how you really felt...
I ask myself
Why cant I like him...
I dream Of the day I'm finally in your arms
I lust for your kiss...
ALLIE is my name!
I adore ERIKA and I miss her every much...
Every morning i wake up and think
I wonder what will go wrong today...
You look at me
All you do is judge...
Once again I let my heart take over
The smarter half of me lost...
My heat pounding..
So many things go through my head...
Rules: Write a statement intended for five...
1. You are my everything, my best Friend. I don't...
Some say they know me
They think they do...
I took a walk today
It was raining...
Music blasting as you sit in your room
Your scream so loud...