Quotes by ~*EsTeR*~

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  • As long as i have u always n forever, it wouldnt matter wut i lost in this world

    18 years ago
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  • I try to be happy n not hurt nemore but putting this fake smile on my face and holding back my tears n telling everyone im alright hurts as much as being without you...

    18 years ago
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  • If only i could hold back my tears n not feel this pain i will tell you wut i feel inside of me...

    18 years ago
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  • Everything seems so blury with all these tears in my eyes... i wont be able realize how beautifull things r till these tears are gone (when ur by my side)

    18 years ago
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  • When ur feeling kinda lonely n sad and want to be with me jus member that i am there with you all u have to do is jus close ur eyes n look deep deep into ur heart n there ill be...

    18 years ago
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  • He stole my heart n i hope i he keeps it forever!

    18 years ago
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  • I will always be happy just cuz u loved me for even a second, all just cause u loved me i'll b happy forever!..

    18 years ago
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  • Each n every teardrop means sumthing
    each n every teardrop is a part of me
    each time i cry a peice of my fades away
    but my love jus gets stronger
    how come after each teardrop my love grows but doesnt bring u to me or me to u?..

    18 years ago
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  • ive fallen so mani times with no1 there to pick me up
    uve neva fallen uve always been on ya feet but not me...
    i think im done fallin n having to get up on my own
    so now it might be ur turn once u fall i might not b dere to help u up...

    18 years ago
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  • ur in my heart n in my thoughts,
    but yet thats jus not enough...
    i need u to be in sight,
    not jus when i close my ...
    i need to feel u near,
    not jus always in my heart...
    i need u to hold me close to you,
    not jus always in my dreams...

    18 years ago
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