It is always hard to get over the one that u love and been whith for a while. |
Somtime in love u make all the wrong choices before u find the right one |
They say to follow ur heart. but what if ur heart is telling u more than one thing. frist it is telling u stay with him and work it out. second it is telling u, u love him enough to let him go. |
U see him . he sees u. u hug and he never lets go. what does that mean if ur not together? u want to be with him but u dont know how to tell him . |
When u break up u know in ur heart he will be the only one for u. but what dont realixe is. he i the only one that u want. |
Why dream? u know that is may not come true. why wish? becuz u know it wont come true. |
He says he loves u but he dont reall mean it. what do u do just let him hurt u and go on with ur life. |
U go and talk and try to get everything worked out. u think everything is worked out. u ask him what is wrong and he says nothing. u turn around to walk away and he asks u the same thing u tell him we need to talk. he says no need to talk. |
Why ask a guy to see if he loves u and he really dont. he will say it but not mean it. does it break ur heart? |
Why stop dreaming cuz once u wake up the drem that u thought was real is gone. |