She is just a fck up, with one person who cares, shes just herself, when everbody stares... |
Consume my soul with fire, and in your arms i would burn, for it would be my last desire. |
Hate The Way I'd Love to Kill, |
Convoluted, Concealed, Cryptic, Circuitous, Corrosive, Concrete, What do they all have in common? |
Saved me once, saved me twice, Grateful forever, but not grateful tonight |
Tainted beauty never survived in the past |
How does it feel to look her in the eyes and know she loves somebody else? |
Mistakes aren't to be regretted, Regret the things you didn't do |
Your words are to be cherished through out the days yet upon the years they may be forgotten, in the time of need they will come. |
I give you the world with these unclean hands. They've been working all night with me just to get here and give you this. my world is you and you are kept in my heart so with this last breath and give you my heart but you are wroth much more, i love you. |