My love and you love is like a desert...its so sweet and delicious |
*~My LoVe FoR YoU Is LiKe A ScRaTcHeD Cd....It AlWaYs SkIpPs A BeAt~* |
Everything I am, everything I see, I am what I am for you loving me, thanx for loving me for who I am, I promise you that I will be there for you from now until the end |
*~YoU SaId We'D StAy ToGeThEr FoReVeR,YoU SaId YoU'd NeVeR LeAvE My SiDe,WeLl GuEsS WhAt YoU SeE Me WiTh SoMe0nE ElSe NoW So I GuEsS I ChAnGeD My MiNd!~* |
Always follow you're're heart always knows what's right....other than you're mind |
I love you, you love me, everone knows it, everyone sees |
Give me a kiss,give me the world,give me you're heart,I'll be you're girl,give me you're smile,give me you're time,give me you're love and I'll give you mine |
LoVe Is LiKe A PeRmAnEnT MaRkEr..EaSy To GeT On...BuT HaRd To ErAsE |