Poems by XxFallenxFromxGracexX

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  • I keep going back, to how it all went wrong
    I told my self I didn't like you, that I was...

  • This poem is about my beautiful dog chester..he...
    You were my shoulder to cry on, when I was sad...

  • [This poem is about my recent break up, it sucked...
    You looked contently at me...

  • Hands cupped around her face
    She weakly falls to the ground...

  • Numb (9)

    I see you crying and i long to touch your face
    Sometimes the memories of sadness are to hard to...

  • I'm not sure how this happened,
    It doesn't make any sense...

  • War (7)

    I see you walking with your gun raised high
    Screaming at me, every word spoken is just a lie...

  • Words usually come so easily
    But right now its so dam hard...

  • Him (6)

    He looks straight past me, like I'm not even there
    Little does he know ever day my heart does tear...

  • It happened again, I cried myself to sleep last...
    Tears uncontrollable, I was unable to fight...

  • I've written this a thousand times
    I never get it right...

  • Thanks for the laughter,
    For the good times that we share...