Quotes by ashley

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  • I fall to the ground
    Tears In Eyes
    To Weak To Move
    Yeah ThatZ Right You Broke Mii Heart
    And Yess You Got To Me
    But Boyy Ill Get Thru It
    But What I Have In Store For You
    You Aren't Goin To Forget You'll Regret Ever Makin Me Cry

    17 years ago
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  • You are everything I have ever wanted
    You are everything i have ever needed
    And if you can't see that, then boy you are blind
    Blind to the fact I'm right here ready to give you my all
    But you justpush away as if it means nothing at all

    17 years ago
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  • It's as you left it
    It's as you left it
    Bound and Broken
    Sad and Surpressed
    Tell me now my love
    Was it all worth the pain
    Tell me this broken heart was worth all the lies and decieving

    17 years ago
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  • Was this all a lie?
    Was I only dreaming,
    That one day you'd be mine

    17 years ago
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  • I loved the way you said my name

    The way you held me for hours

    I loved that preciuos smile

    And our silly little arguments

    I thought i was in love for good this time

    But i guess the onlii thing i was in love with was the Lie you fed to me

    18 years ago
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  • I want you to know I loved you from the start I never could imagine us ever growing apart You promised forever,
    Now im sitting here asking myself why I was soo nieve to believe someone like you could love someone like me

    18 years ago
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  • I know one day ill find my soulmate
    One day ill grow old with the one im ment to be with
    But even then I''ll still remember the summer i fell in love with the boy down the street

    18 years ago
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  • I had seen you for the first time in four years
    We spent every weekend together
    We talked about growing old and never bein apart
    You said my prince had arrived
    Now I look back and maybe you were just one of the frogs i had to kiss

    18 years ago
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  • What we had was real
    I felt it from the start
    We were meant to be together
    Like the stars were meant shine
    But you turned it all around
    Left me here with no were to turn
    How could something you made feel soo right
    End up being soo wrong

    18 years ago
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  • I wish there were guidelines
    It could tell us how to get out before it even began..
    That told us to turn away before we even got close
    If we had a guideline we would never have to cry all the tears of the ocean

    18 years ago
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