If I could go back now, knowing what I do, I would never have let you go, I would have held on till the end, so we wouldn't wind up like this |
Love is blind, so why can I still see you? |
Was there really nothing here worth staying for? didn't all those days of laughter together mean anything to you? was i the only one who felt anything? was i the only wishful thinker? |
*~*~ Take all this pain and go write a song about it!! Make millions from my pain and never think of me again!! ~*~* |
*you made your promises with empty words * he makes his promise with a ring * |
B: there's always a favourite isn't there? |
*~* i thought maybe if i changed, you would want to be with me. but no matter how much i change, no matter how hard i try, u will never feel the same *~* |
I'm so in love with him, but every time i'm with you i feel guilty, like i'm cheating on him just by letting you hug me |
I had a dream that one of my best friends kissed me and you were so mad that you left me... i'm so scared that it will come true, and I don't want to lose you... |
Ever felt so lonely even when you're surrounded by people? I feel lost in my own skin, how am I supposed to fit in in your world too? |