Trying to keep it all together, |
To y0u my dear, I've g0t n0thing else t0 say, |
My last w0rds, bef0re my everlasting sleep; |
It sh0ws y0ur just a weak pers0n.. as y0u walked away fr0m the pr0blems y0u've caused y0urself... |
*this heart is mine, but the beat is y0urs ;)* |
Love is the game I d0n't master, |
C0ld tears stream like bef0re, |
A friend is the gr0und y0u're walking 0n, |
Y0u fill my dreams, bef0re I g0 t0 sleep |
Y0u didn't break my heart, as it wasn't even wh0le t0 start with.. |