Poems by x325xRunawayTrainx103x

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  • You promised to always be here
    You said you would never leave...

  • This pain I feel
    Unfortunately is real...

  • Here's a story of a troubled girl
    Trying to get through this hell of a world...

  • My bag is packed
    I'm walking out the door...

  • You're an incredible girl
    You changed me in so many ways...

  • Please shut the door on your way out
    Just say goodbye, you don't have to shout...

  • Here i am in this empty bed
    Replaying everything in my head...

  • Through all of this time
    Through all of our fights...

  • I don't think i could count up
    All of the horrible ways...

  • I really miss your face
    I really miss the sound of your voice...

  • I look into your eyes
    But i only see fire...

  • If I could...
    I'd put my ear to your bedroom wall...