Poems by Jemma

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  • And the wind screams
    Shaking the foundations of the trees...

  • Perhaps such words come faster
    Not because of ease...

  • It's a losing battle with your conscience my dear
    There's nothing left when there's nothing to fear...

  • As the clouds change to showers
    And rain plummets through your eyes...

  • It's another broken day
    With the pale sun setting...

  • Sometimes it is hard to find your way,
    Sometimes the perfect person is there to guide...

  • Out on the fields
    With the fallen names...

  • I got lost in a plastic bag
    All caught up in the ways of the world...

  • Trees, proud from the fortunes of time spent stood
    Now lay barren in the field of deceased victory...

  • The moon was shining and the wind fell on deaf...
    The moon was faceless in the dark...

  • They called it internal sorrow
    But what is in a name...

  • Oh, sweet little gypsy girl running with the wind
    Delicate grasses are playing in her hair...