Poems by Jemma

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  • Shut up and fall
    Shut up and fall...

  • He sat down within despair. His face showed...
    Such sweet embrace for fiery storm of furies spent...

  • In small encrypted hearts long dead
    Tied down with bricks to rest their head...

  • Treading the same trails
    That were pounded by angry feet...

  • Within one day a lifetime spent
    A curse on the wind that still stings...

  • The air had an edge to it
    A blade in the heart of it...

  • Life is a diamond, a precious jewel
    But it's not yours, no matter what you do...

  • Life sometimes gets a little complicated
    And death takes us all for fools...

  • A lick of paint and it feels like new
    You can't see the cracks; I'll forget they're even...

  • Can’t carry on
    The pain hurts too much...

  • I don’t know where you will find me
    Darkness ties but cannot bind me...

  • Sleep (1)

    Why is it that sometimes my sleeping hours seem as...
    And others it's hard to believe sleep came to me...