Have I been set up??
I feel as though I have...
MWhy does this happen?
Why are we here...
This is yet another random poem about nothing and...
Those times you didn't want to live and left me...
My life chapter has been completed
There's nothing left to write...
You and I are oh-so close
So close are you and I...
Another on the spot poem:) sorta stupid but hey
How can i live like this...
I watch her as she sleeps
My bestest dearest friend...
Sorry this is sorta weird....
The pendulam swings...
Ill be the one you call
Ill catch you before you fall...
No promises, no hopes
You want to see the light...
Watch me fall
And know it wasnt your fault...
You will not go without me for together we'll be...
With our special rainbow string together we will...